Friday, September 14, 2012

Different Types of Acid Reflux Remedies

Acid reflux, which is also referred to as gastro-esophageal reflux disease is characterized by regurgitation of gastric acids and secretions in the esophagus and throat, which usually causes a lot of pain and discomfort to the affected individual.
 In some cases, when proper remedy is not applied on it, worse symptoms may arise, which is why it is a good idea for a person to be more familiar with the common types of acid reflux remedies.
First of all, there are many possible causes of acid reflux. In most cases though, the main culprits would be stress and unhealthy eating habits. Aside from that, abnormal positioning of the esophageal sphincter and its weakness can also cause it.
When it comes to the remedies that you can make use of in order to fix your acid reflux, you can either go with the natural way, or utilize over the counter drugs. Combining them would also be a good idea; however, it is also best if you can adapt ways to prevent it.
There are a lot of drugs that you can purchase from the counter of the pharmacy near your place, which would give you immediate relief from this annoying condition. Some of which are the popular antacids, which are made to gain control and neutralize the effects of excessive stomach acids. Antacids are best used if you need something that would provide you fast relief from the symptoms of acid reflux. You need to keep in mind though that they don’t last very long, thereby, you may need to take a number of antacids for the whole day. They are usually recommended to be taken just before you eat your meal, so that they will start working on the acidity levels of your stomach just before it begins digesting food.
Another over the counter drug that can provide you relief from acid reflux are the proton pump inhibitors. These types of drugs work really well, which is why lots of people store them in their medicine cabinets. You will only be required to take one tablet of this in a day, and after 2 to 3 days of taking them, you should already be free from the symptoms of acid reflux.
If you are not very comfortable in taking these drugs to gain relief from .this condition, then you should go the natural way. Since one of the culprits of acid reflux is unhealthy eating habits, then you should become more conscious on the kinds of foods that you intake. If you observe yourself, you will soon realize that some types of foods will trigger acid reflux while some do not. Examples of foods that you need to avoid would include those that have been fried, chocolates, dairy foods, and such.
Keep in mind that many people combine natural and over the counter acid reflux remedies to get rid of its symptoms and prevent it from recurring. Now that you have become more familiar with them, it is time to decide which route you want to take.

5 Common Symptoms of Acid Reflux
With any kind of disease, proper identification should be done in order to provide the right solution for it. This is the reason why you need to familiarize yourself with the different symptoms of different diseases, especially if you are suspecting that you are currently being affected by one. 
When it comes to the acid reflux disease, which is also called as gastro-esophageal reflux disease, there are basically five symptoms that you need to familiarize yourself with. By getting to know more about the symptoms of acid reflux, you will be able to determine whether it is the condition that you are experiencing or not. Aside from that, it would also help you find a cure for whatever it is that is bothering you.
Here are the acid reflux symptoms that you need to get more familiar with.
Regurgitation - When you regurgitate, you would feel like the acid from your stomach is trying to come out through your mouth. Whenever you experience this, you will have a tendency to burp more often than usual, and each time that you do, you can feel the stomach acid passing through your throat, as if trying to escape the esophagus.
Heartburn - Heartburn is actually a symptom that is most experienced by people who are affected with acid reflux. This symptom is called as such, due to the fact that you will be feeling the pain or burning sensation on the left side of your chest. Aside from pain, deep pressure in that area of your chest can also be felt. There are actually times that people mistaken it for a heart condition, when the truth is that, you will be feeling pain because the constant presence of gastric acid, has already made some damages on the esophageal lining. Heartburn is usually observed by people affected by acid reflux after they eat their meal or just a few hours later.
Dysphagia - Although this is not as common as the first two symptoms of acid reflux, it is also a good idea that you get more familiar with it. This is usually characterized by feeling pain whenever you try to swallow something.
Dyspepsia - You are feeling dyspepsia if you feel that you are full but you are not comfortable with it. Aside from the lack of comfort, this would also mean that you are feeling pain and pressure on the upper portion of your stomach or abdomen.
Acid Laryngitis - In the event that there is substantial amounts of stomach acid flowing back to the upper areas of your esophagus, it will eventually cause this type of symptom. This symptom is characterized by hoarseness in your voice, dry mouth, constant coughing, and you would have the desire to clear your throat all the time.
These are the common symptoms of acid reflux that you need to become more familiar with. Take note of them so that you would be able to know whether you should make use of an acid reflux remedy soon or not. 

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