These juices can rise into the esophagus causing the so-called "heartburn" and cause burning sensation garganta. It manifests as heartburn and stomach pain. Sometimes this acid getting into the esophagus, produces strong irritation and discomfort of heartburn.
When this can occur often fluid retention, tendency to rheumatoid arthritis, headaches and sensitivity of the teeth to vinegar and acidic fruits.
Causes: Heartburn occurs most often when problems exist in the kidneys and liver. It also occurs when food combining is not correct, or take some fruit or juice after eating meat or other heavy food.
The fruit is easily fermented (30 minutes). If you eat meat first, it will take several hours to digest fruit preventing it from passing into the small intestine for digestion and causing it to ferment in the stomach, resulting in indigestion and heartburn.
Some Suggested Treatments:
Do not eat until full and chew food slowly. Take a good dose of FOREVER ALOE VERA GEL, this product neutralizes acidity and regulates the PH. Availale from Amazon here..
Alfalfa juice, liquid or tablet form, is very helpful because of its highly alkaline power. If you can mix it with carrots, guava or pineapple with a little honey Forever Bee Honey.
Ginger is also an element of great help to absorb heartburn. Include in your meals alkaline foods like dates, roasted corn, baked apple and papaya.
The potato juice is effective against heartburn (Grate some potatoes in water, let stand at night and take it the next day with FOREVER ALOE VERA GEL.
Do not lie down after eating as this will help to ease the gastric juices go up the esophagus and throat. If you lie down keep your head up. It is advisable not to sleep before 2 hours after eating.
Remove the products they produce acidity such as caffeinated drinks like coffee, black tea, cola, etc.. Besides the chili and pepper, cocoa, flour tortillas, red meat, pasta, milk. Just as the cigarette and soda pop.
Eliminate fried and fatty foods.
Take the stress and nervousness out of your life, as it is one of the main causes of acidity, gastritis and ulcers.
Compresses with a damp cold in the stomach after a meal helps reduce the discomfort of heartburn. Neglect of acidity can degenerate into a stomach ulcer. If discomfort persists see your doctor.
Soak a tablespoon of flax seeds overnight in half a glass of pure water and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach in the morning along with the seeds. The water is a little jelly, made such that will produce a coating in your stomach that will make you avoid heartburn.
Very important note: Before any food, take first fruits or juices, allowing time for them to be digested (20 to 30 minutes). Taking fruits after food may not be digested quickly and ferment causing digestive problems and acidity.
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