Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Acid Reflux Causes - Know Them To Prevent Experiencing Acid Reflux

There are many possible acid reflux causes that you need to become more familiar with, so that you will be able to prevent it from affecting you. It is important that you know these causes, since that can help you follow certain actions that would either cure or prevent it. Thus, it is best to discuss the major causes of it, so that you will be able to know what you need to do, in order not to experience the annoying and painful symptoms of acid reflux.
One of the major causes of acid reflux is a poor diet. Acid reflux actually happens during digestion; in other words, you can experience it after eating your meal. It happens when your stomach secretes too much acid, which can cause it to push its food content back to your esophagus and even to your mouth. Thus, it is easy to conclude the eating spicy types of foods can cause it.
Spicy foods are actually acidic in the first place; thus, when you eat them, their acidity can cause lots of pressure to your stomach when it combines with the stomach acid. This can cause heightened levels of acid in your stomach, which will eventually lead to acid reflux. Aside from spicy foods, chocolates, fried foods, fatty foods, and those loaded with peppers can also cause the said condition to happen.
Still in the same line as diet, if you eat too much food that could also lead to acid reflux. This is because eating too much in one sitting can put too much pressure on your stomach. Due to the fact that your stomach will try to process lots of foods, it will produce lots of gastric acid and that could be the start of experiencing acid reflux. When that happens, it could soon lead to your stomach pushing back all its content back to your esophagus, which will make you feel that burning sensation in your chest.
It is best to take note that having a poor eating habit can cause acid reflux, since being overweight has the same effect. When you have gained too much weight, it will actually put more pressure to your stomach and esophagus. This does not lead to the secretion of too much acid in your tummy, but the pressure can actually open up the lower esophageal sphincter, which is also called the esophagus valve that will pave the way for the gastric acids to flow back into the esophagus.
Other acid reflux causes that you need to take note of would include the use of alcohol, lying down after eating, drinking milk while being too full, smoking, and the lack of rest. Now that you know the factors that can increase the chances of experiencing acid reflux, you should be able to avoid it effectively from now on.

The Types of Foods to Avoid With Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is something that continues to affect lots of people all around the world. Thus, if you are not careful, then you could become one of them. If you know the symptoms of acid reflux such as nausea, heartburn, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing and such, then you would be able to know if you are experiencing it. Aside from that, if you have not experienced this type of disease yet, then you would want to know the types of foods to avoid with acid reflux, so that you won’t have to endure the said symptoms associated with it.
One of the types of foods that you want to avoid is those that can cause your stomach to secrete too much acid. Such foods would include those that are spicy as well as those that contain caffeine. There are also beverages that can have that same effect such as tea and alcoholic beverages like wine, beer, and rum.
These types of foods increase the acidity level of your stomach, which would eventually lead to acid reflux. Thus, it is best to take note of them, so that you can prevent such condition to affect you.
Another group of foods that you want to avoid are those that can damage or irritate your esophageal lining. Some of which would include citrus fruits and juices, chili pepper, tomatoes, as well as other tomato products. You might think that you will have to stop eating some of your favorite dishes because of this. However, there is no need to worry, since you can still eat them as long as you do it in moderation. Aside from that, you can also do some tests on yourself if you want to. For example, if you have been experiencing some of the symptoms of acid reflux, you can always take note of the foods that you eat, which increases their occurrence. Since different foods have different effects on people, some of the foods that are mentioned here may not cause too much trouble for you as it would other individuals.
Other foods that you want to avoid to prevent acid reflux would include chocolate, fatty foods, as well as those that are fried. These types of foods can actually trigger the secretion of too much acid in your stomach due to high oil content, which will stay in your stomach longer. Aside from encouraging too much acid in your stomach, such types of foods can also weaken the muscles of your lower esophageal sphincter, which is again, another way to experience acid reflux. 
Although it is very important that you take note of these foods to avoid with acid reflux, you need to remember that you can still eat them, as long as you don’t do it frequently. Aside from that, you should also control the volume of food that you eat, sinc

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